Mastering the Countdown

Floating Countdown is a handy tool with tons of possible uses (i.e. setting one while cooking and being able to read a recipe in the browser). It has several features which we’d now like to introduce.
By default, you can find it in the Applications menu, accompanied by an hourglass icon.
Once you launch the floating app, you can set the time by tapping seconds, minutes, or hours and entering a value through your phone’s keyboard.
That’s not everything Countdown offers, though. Open the window menu by tapping the triple bar icon.
The first three options affect the app’s behavior when the timer reaches zero. You can turn sound and vibrations on in order to get notified more effectively. Full-colored check mark represents the “on” state, while a grey one means that the respective setting is turned off.
“Stop on zero” is a very interesting feature. It makes the timer keep going when time runs out so you can see how long has it been since the timer rang. This is indicated by red numbers.
The app remembers your last countdown. You can reset this value by tapping the “refresh” icon, as shown below.
One of those simple apps but so many options… :-).