Version 4.8: New app, Floating Buddies and many improvements

Working hard on the next version, we haven’t published blog posts for some time. Don’t worry, we are going to fix this now as there is a lot to introduce in the version 4.8.
- There is a new app called Clipboard that is useful for managing your copy-paste actions
- There is a new feature called Floating Buddy – a little friend that is here to help you with the most common tasks
- There is a new backup system with automatic backup
- The free-form mode is supported on Android Pie – read more about the difference between Android P and older ones
- Google Drive is now supported as a cloud storage for File Manager and other apps
- There is a new Ad & malware blocker in the browser – see below
- There are new icons in menus to make the app better and easier to use
Changes to Floating Browser
The most notable change is a new Ad & malware blocker. It’s not enabled by default, so you must activate it first to use it. It blocks thousands of known ad providers as well as malware sites and detection data can be easily updated. You can also define exceptions AdBlocker will be disabled for.
Other changes to Floating Browser:
- Fixes problem with ‘Paste and go’ not working correctly without http://.
- Adds closing all tabs by long-clicking on close button.
- Adds option for capturing currently visible part of the web page.
- Adds clear button to ‘Search on page’ edit field.
- Adds ‘Share link’ and ‘Copy link text’ options when long-clicking link.
- Adds ‘Share image link’ and ‘Copy image link’ options when long-clicking image.
- Adds an indication for pages that are already bookmarked.
- Adds option to turn the current web page into a homescreen shortcut.
- Adds option to turn the current web page into a new URL app.
- Adds a message about upload malfunction due to a bug in Android 4.4.
- Fixes browser not correctly loading on some Android 4.1 devices.
- Adds more options (Find on page, Share, Copy, Paste) to the URL toolbar.
- Adds support for downloading more images with the same name.
Changes to Floating File Manager
- Google Drive is now supported as a cloud storage.
- Adds ‘New File’ option.
- Adds extra options for manipulating file names when renaming file/folder.
- Adds ‘Open with…’ and ‘Share with…’ option for files.
- Adds ‘Open as …’ options for files.
- Adds ‘Open in the opposite panel’ option for folders.
- Adds creating homescreen shortcuts for files to open them directly.
- Optimizes Dropbox for faster folder content loading.
- Fixes bug in renaming files preventing some files from being renamed.
Changes to Floating Text Editor
- Adds left and right padding so the text doesn’t start from the edge.
- Adds clear button for the search edit field.
- Adds xml, json and html files to file type filter.
- Adds option for showing all files.
- Adds option for showing filter even for save dialog.
Changes to Floating Document Viewer
- Adds option to edit currently opened text document.
- Adds ‘Copy all’ option to the plain text viewer.
- Fixes critical bug with copying text that could affect other apps too.
- Adds support for sharing documents compatible with the new file access system.
- Adds xml, json and html files to file type filter.
Changes to Floating Notes
- Adds option to delete note to the note’s context menu.
- Adds left and right padding so the text doesn’t start from the edge.
- Adds clear button for the search edit field.
- Adds option to not ask before deletion allowing to easily delete multiple items.
Changes to other apps
- Image Viewer: Adds option to delete the currently displayed image.
- Image Viewer: Adds support for sharing images compatible with the new file access system.
- Calculator: Increases font size a bit.
- Dialer: Increases font size a bit.
- Music Player: Changes the drag icon so it better matches with Android standard set.
- Bookmarks: Bookmarks are automatically sorted by their most recent use.
- Bookmarks: Ads option to not ask before deletion allowing to easily delete multiple items.
- Lists: Ads option to not ask before deletion allowing to easily delete multiple items.
- Tally Counter: Ads option to not ask before deletion allowing to easily delete multiple items.
- Clipboard: Ads option to not ask before deletion allowing to easily delete multiple items.
- Translate: Adds button for pasting content from clipboard directly to the translator field.
- YouTube NEW: Changes the drag icon so it better matches with Android standard set.
- Dice & Coin Adds support for other than six-sided dices (4, 6, 10, 12, 20).
- Dice & Coin Fixes bug with the context menu and ‘Go back’ option.
Changes to Floating Apps for Auto
- Floating Apps for Auto: Adds a new specific theme for Auto.
- Floating Apps for Auto: Improves default values for Floating Apps for Auto.
- Floating Apps for Auto: Adds new specific hack for MirrorLink on some vehicles.
General improvements
- Improves support of the free-form mode in the floating menu.
- Improves icons in the context menu.
- Adds a new ‘Gray’ theme.
- Adds configurable opacity of bubbles.
- Adds long-tap menu for bubbles.
- Adds a mechanism for calculating bubble position so they are not overlapped.
- Fixes problem with default values for the back button not being set correctly.
- Fixes problem with calculating margins in themes.
- Adds an option for removing (minimized) variants from share dialog.
- Adds support for creating homescreen shortcuts for apps and my apps for Android O+.
- Removes Floating Apps from lock screen notifications on Android O+.
- Fixes internal bugs in the bubbles.
- Improves launching apps through the floating menu and the floating icon.
- Many minor improvements and bug fixes.
Pretty big update, well? Do you like it?
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All the best